S.S. Raven
Raven Poetrick
Electrick Limericks 
Raven's wRiters
wRiter's Guidelines
Raven's Roost

Xena rules
 at amazon.com

Electrick Limericks
Raven Again
by Karen A. Romanko

You must know, my dear Poe, said the crow
This same word "nevermore" will I quote
Please write me a story
I'd like something gory
Laying corpses out all in a row

The Goop Expedition
by Karen A. Romanko

Word came once from a planet called Goop
It sent out a small ship for our group
They would learn our strange ways
But what Goop failed to say
Was that Goop from our group would make soup

by Karen A. Romanko

The detective examined the clues
The prints came from a small pair of shoes
She confronted the perp
He was her little twerp
His crime dragging in mud while Mom snoozed

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"Raven Again," "The Goop Expedition," and "Footprints" ©2000 Karen A. Romanko
Raven Electrick ©2000 Karen A. Romanko. Clipart by Corel®.